# Data Visualization

Data visualization tools for the web.

  • d3 - A JavaScript visualization library for HTML and SVG.
    • metrics-graphics - A library optimized for concise, principled data graphics and layouts.
  • three.js - JavaScript 3D library.
  • Chart.js - Simple HTML5 Charts using the <canvas> tag.
  • paper.js - The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting – Scriptographer ported to JavaScript and the browser, using HTML5 Canvas.
  • fabric.js - JavaScript Canvas Library, SVG-to-Canvas (& canvas-to-SVG) Parser.
  • peity - Progressive bar, line and pie charts.
  • raphael - JavaScript Vector Library.
  • echarts - Enterprise Charts.
  • vis - Dynamic, browser-based visualization library.
  • two.js - A renderer agnostic two-dimensional drawing api for the web.
  • g.raphael - Charts for Raphaël.
  • sigma.js - A JavaScript library dedicated to graph drawing.
  • arbor - A graph visualization library using web workers and jQuery.
  • cubism - A D3 plugin for visualizing time series.
  • dc.js - Multi-Dimensional charting built to work natively with crossfilter rendered with d3.js
  • vega - A visualization grammar.
  • processing.js - Processing.js makes your data visualizations work using web standards and without any plug-ins.
  • envisionjs - Dynamic HTML5 visualization.
  • rickshaw - JavaScript toolkit for creating interactive real-time graphs.
  • flot - Attractive JavaScript charts for jQuery.
  • morris.js - Pretty time-series line graphs.
  • nvd3 - Build re-usable charts and chart components for d3.js.
  • svg.js - A lightweight library for manipulating and animating SVG.
  • heatmap.js - JavaScript Library for HTML5 canvas based heatmaps.
  • jquery.sparkline - A plugin for the jQuery JavaScript library to generate small sparkline charts directly in the browser.
  • trianglify - Low poly style background generator with d3.js.
  • d3-cloud - Create word clouds in JavaScript.
  • d4 - A friendly reusable charts DSL for D3.
  • dimple.js - Easy charts for business analytics powered by d3.
  • chartist-js - Simple responsive charts.
  • epoch - A general purpose real-time charting library.
  • c3 - D3-based reusable chart library.
  • BabylonJS - A framework for building 3D games with HTML 5 and WebGL.
  • recharts - Redefined chart library built with React and D3.
  • GraphicsJS - A lightweight JavaScript graphics library with the intuitive API, based on SVG/VML technology.
  • mxGraph - Diagramming library that enables interactive graph and charting applications to be quickly created that run natively in any major browser that is supported by its vendor.
  • Frappe Charts - GitHub-inspired simple and modern SVG charts for the web with zero dependencies.
  • Frappe Gantt - A simple, interactive, modern gantt chart library for the web.

There're also some great commercial libraries, like amchart, anychart, plotly, and highchart.